Overall horrible experience ! This was my first and last purchase for sure from this company !
Bought a fuel tank on June 21, and it was only shipped on July 10 !!
Sent 3 messages to figure out what was going on, but they never replied to me !!
19 days to send a "damn" item that it was mentioned as being in stock !!
Then charged me the VAT amount when it should be 0%, because I provided a vaild business VAT number ! But worse is, they are REFUSING to provide a VAT invoice, when it is against the European Law !
So if you are thinking to purchase anything from these guys, my advice is AVOID them and purchase elsewhere, or you will get an unpleased surprise in the end....
Eduardo M.30/07/2018
Réponse : Nous respectons en tout point la législation Belge et Européenne en terme de facturation! Il est strictement ILLÉGALE d’effectuer une facturation HORS TVA à une société ayant son siège social dans un pays Européen A (Portugal) et de livrer la marchandise à une adresse privé dans un pays Européen B (Allemagne). Cela s'appelle le carrousel à la TVA, c'est une tentative de FRAUDE! Explication: https://www.tvacalc.com/info/11/TVA-intracommunautaire-vente-de-biens.html. Pour respecter les règles de facturation intracommunautaire, la livraison devait être effectué à l'adresse de facturation, soit dans le pays A (Portugal)!
Avis clients sur MOTOFUN
Bought a fuel tank on June 21, and it was only shipped on July 10 !!
Sent 3 messages to figure out what was going on, but they never replied to me !!
19 days to send a "damn" item that it was mentioned as being in stock !!
Then charged me the VAT amount when it should be 0%, because I provided a vaild business VAT number ! But worse is, they are REFUSING to provide a VAT invoice, when it is against the European Law !
So if you are thinking to purchase anything from these guys, my advice is AVOID them and purchase elsewhere, or you will get an unpleased surprise in the end....